TOPEX enhanced IP VCS solution, successfully tested at ROMATSA
Released on: May 1, 2008, 12:04 am
Press Release Author: Doriana Popescu / TOPEX
Industry: Telecommunications
Press Release Summary: TOPEX successfully tested an improved VCS solution at Romanian Air Traffic Services Administration (ROMATSA) with Multi Frequency Coding (MFC) Signaling Converter which assures transportation of this protocol over the Internet according to EUROCONTROL specifications.
Press Release Body: TOPEX VCS solution has been implemented at Romanian Air Traffic Services Administration for over five years and allows its configuration for a very wide range of applications in the ATC field. Due to excellent collaboration certified by traditional long business relations, ROMATSA, the organization providing the achievement of the air traffic control, chose to test TOPEX improved solution. During these tests, the new ground-ground communication network between Air Traffic Control Centers from ROMATSA was provided by TOPEX VCS via MFC connections. The purpose of the MFC network is to connect many single units to a powerful and dedicated infrastructure.
TOPEX solution was internationally launched three years ago, being the world\'s first fully IP implementation in ATC environment but now, it has superior capabilities in line with the progress of IP technology. It is a secure and easy to deploy, upgrade and customize solution as it makes use of existent system infrastructure and has all the advantages of an IP-based solution.
"ATM communications is about reliability, redundancy, top-quality, top-technology, failure-proof and future-oriented systems", declared Mr. Dan Adamescu, CEO TOPEX. "We have experience in integrating VoIP to any type of interfaces and one important thing about IP is the fact that is suitable to transport any type of communications like data, voice, video or multimedia. This aspect translates in advantage of IP-VCS vs. legacy-VCS: one network to implement, configure and administer, ready for present and future communications services.", added Mr. Adamescu.
TOPEX enhanced solution is to convert line signaling with 2280 KHz and MFC tones in something that can be transported over the IP (using an IP signaling session). TOPEX IP VCS has an open architecture and it can integrate devices from different vendors (IP media gateways, IP radio gateways, IP voice recorders, SIP phones).
Based on its advanced experience in designing and implementing IP infrastructures with specific transport requests, TOPEX delivers end to end solutions covering transport, quality and security needs in order to fully meet the actual expectations of ATC industry.
About Romanian Air Traffic Services Starting with 1991, year of the establishment, the priority task has been the provision of air traffic services for the aircraft operating GAT (General Air Traffic ) flights, under IFR ( Instrument Flight Rules ) conditions, within the Romanian airspace, as well as within any other airspace allotted to Romania following to international agreements. ROMATSA provides the control and the unitary development of the air traffic control activity for the aircraft belonging to both the users and the operators, it promotes the harmonization and the integration with the European specialized system ( EUROCONTROL ). The joined concern of ROMATSA and the Ministry of National Defense provides the coordinated use of the Romanian airspace by both civil and military aviation.
About TOPEX TOPEX is among the most innovative, fast growing European manufacturers of telecommunication equipment, providing a wide range of telecommunication applications. The company has over 18 years of experience in research, development and manufacture of both civil and military telecommunication devices TOPEX\'s leveraged expertise includes: Next Generation Network solutions, Softswitch, Media Gateways for TDM, VoIP, GSM and CDMA (2G, 3G), Signaling Gateways (SS7, ISDN, R2, SIP and H323), Broadband Wi-Fi Mobile Routers, Fixed-Mobile Terminals (2G, 3G) and ATC Voice Communication Systems.
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Contact Details: Doriana Popescu PR Manager Phone: +40-21/4083924; Fax: +40-21/4083909;
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